Dr. Oz and Psychic Mediums: Are Psychics the New Therapists?

by | Jul 29, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I recently found a video segment from the Dr. Oz show where he asks the question: “Are Psychics the New Therapists?”. This really struck me because I was curious as to his scientific perception of anything related to the psyche/psychics, and also because this is a question I’ve often thought about. So I was glad to see it wasn’t only on my mind.

Click here to watch the playback of the episode.

The show focused on grief and the role psychic mediums may play. If you’re unfamiliar with the different types of psychics or psychic abilities, Mediums (also known as Ghost Whisperers) are able to use their abilities to communicate with people that have passed away. Popular shows depicting psychic mediums are: Lisa Williams Life Among the Dead, Ghost Whisperer, any of the John Edward shows and of course Medium.

Do I think Psychics are the new therapists? Yes and no. I believe there is a need for clinical psychology, which has always been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. The pull to go back to studying Psychology to one day have my own practice is still strong. For years, I had a constant battle that left my psychic development in a stasis because my rational mind struggled to comprehend my psychic self. On the other hand, my spiritual self could not dismiss the experiences I had where I played a role in passing on a message to someone from a loved one that had passed. My rational self witnessed first hand the level of of healing that could come about when someone believed they received a message from their loved one in spirit. I couldn’t comprehend it, yet I couldn’t dismiss it either.

I believe as a society, the majority of individuals won’t seek out any help: talk therapy or spiritual therapy. It’s tragic how many people still believe they have to suffer through their emotional distress like it is a badge of honor. Or that they have to tough it up and be strong. Swallow their emotions until they believe they’ve stifled them enough into non-existence. I say it’s sad and tragic because I have witnessed first hand how that type of a conditioned response can swallow a person’s soul whole and leave a shattered broken illusion of a person called the false-self. Often leading to abuse, addictions or any other form of self sabotaging behaviors. Anyway, I got a little off topic but if you can’t tell I’m incredibly passionate about people transcending the ego-voice within and reaching out to another person or within themselves to bring about healing in their lives.

That being said. I agree with John Edward’s response that if someone just suffered a loss and is still reeling emotionally, that it may not be time for a reading with a medium, yet. That instead, the individual may wish to seek out a counselor or therapist to work through the emotions and make sure they are healing in a healthy manner. I also couldn’t agree more with the therapist’s response that often times when we suffer a sudden and tragic loss, that we are often left with questions that we feel can only be answered by the person that passed.

Often when we lose someone we’re left questioning if our loved one is ok or if we will ever connect with them again. Or to say our last goodbyes and to feel assured that they knew the depth of our love for them. Or confirmation that even though our loved one is gone from us physically, that they are always a heartbeat away. Maybe we wish to find something only the individual would know. If you or someone you know is left with similar questions or has an emotional void remaining after you have processed the majority of your grief, then I highly recommend you seek out the answers you wish to find.

There are many books available from the clinical and more traditional perspectives and can typically be found in the Self-help section. In addition, many books are available about the afterlife and the spiritual perspective, which are often found in the New Age section. A book I highly recommend when trying to cope with grieving that greatly helped me deal with loss early in life is a book by John Edward called One Last Time.

Please contact me if you would like a reference for a counselor as I have one I highly recommend who I have personally worked with.

If you are interested in a reading with a psychic medium, I highly recommend my friend Matina. I have personally had a reading with her and she is incredibly accurate. Click here to see her website.


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Teresa Powers

Teresa Powers

St. Louis Psychic Intuitive

We're all on a journey, and I'd like to invite you on mine as I write "my story".  

Thoughts, trials, tribulations, laughter and joy.  


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DISCLAIMER: This website is the only official on-line source of information regarding Teresa Romana Powers. Teresa Romana makes absolutely no representations or endorsements of any other web-sites containing information about her. The advice you receive during a reading with a spiritual advisor or psychic counselor is at all times subject to your own interpretation and discernment. No psychic is 100% accurate. Teresa Romana is in no way, responsible legally or otherwise for your thoughts, choices, and/or actions based on the content of your reading. For medical questions, those should be sought out by a medical professional. These readings should not be substituted for any legal, medical, or any other form of "clinical" advice that you have from a specialist in the field. Teresa Romana and/or anyone else she endorses in her favorite links, blog posts, and articles are to be considered and used for entertainment purposes only.


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