About Romana


I’ve been psychic since childhood and during my teenage years, found it goes back at least three generations.  After studying metaphysics for about ten years, I started taking advancement classes in a group setting. Initially, I only read for friends and family but after encouragement and requests, I started booking parties and private readings and have loved every minute of it!

To be my best for clients as well as my own growth, I continue to study metaphysics, spiritual topics as well as traditional counseling resources. I’ve had Usui Reiki I and II attunements and continue to implement it for my daily use and eventually hope to incorporate it for use of my clients when needed.

Current pursuits:

  • Further Develop Reiki and Energy Medicine for personal and client use
  • Working towards a doctorate in Philosophy with a specialization in Transpersonal Counseling
  • Working on materials to teach for 2014 workshops and classes of various metaphysical topics
  • Currently studying to get certified in Neuro-linguistic Programming
  • Currently studying to get Life Coach certification
  • Currently taking a Hypnosis course and will be fully certified by the end of April – Update: Done!!!
  • Goal to be trained and certified in Life Between Lives regression therapy through the Newton Institute.





I strongly feel readings are an exchange in trust between myself and the person I am reading for, and I’m honored to be a part of the experience and by being invited into their lives.

If someone feels stuck, I like to focus on gaining insight to help empower the person to make choices on their own and to help them understand where they are and where they want to go. I like to marry my passion of psychology with my spiritual self and intuitive side. I may even recommend resources and books that I feel will help an individual, if they so choose.

Before a reading, the less information I’m told upfront, the better because it allows me to trust my intuition and give information as I receive it. I do not pass judgment and I don’t impose my beliefs on another. I also LOVE to hear back from people I’ve read for. So please feel free to update me on how you’re doing!



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DISCLAIMER: This website is the only official on-line source of information regarding Teresa Romana Powers. Teresa Romana makes absolutely no representations or endorsements of any other web-sites containing information about her. The advice you receive during a reading with a spiritual advisor or psychic counselor is at all times subject to your own interpretation and discernment. No psychic is 100% accurate. Teresa Romana is in no way, responsible legally or otherwise for your thoughts, choices, and/or actions based on the content of your reading. For medical questions, those should be sought out by a medical professional. These readings should not be substituted for any legal, medical, or any other form of "clinical" advice that you have from a specialist in the field. Teresa Romana and/or anyone else she endorses in her favorite links, blog posts, and articles are to be considered and used for entertainment purposes only.


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