News & Events


You may have heard Teresa-Romana during one of her numerous interviews on  “The Good Life Show” with James Strong, covering various topics like dreams and anything and everything psychic. Romana looks forward to partnering with James for future airings.

Teresa-Romana was honored to be contacted by Sarah Prout best-selling author, blogging whiz, and co-founder of Alska publishing to offer her insight and guidance in the best-selling book Soulful Relationships.

The book was exactly what she needed to plan the seed for future projects and has since started writing a book centered around the concept of reincarnation. So stay tuned for more information as it develops.



6361 Clayton Road, Clayton, MO 63117

(314) 721-4455

Living Insights Center

Sundays: Family Gathering (Talking Circle) – facilitated by Jack Sisk, 12:15-1:45. We come together as a loving family to honor and celebrate each individual’s sacred identity and the divine reality that links us together. We connect to each other and to the one reality that underlies all religious and spiritual traditions. This is a sacred and confidential Talking Circle – we pass a talking stick and learn from each other. Everyone is committed to be loving and compassionate. You might hear readings from various traditions and authors, music from various cultures, and much more. Considerable support and insights are generated. Participation is encouraged, but not required. Donations are requested to support the Center (at least $10 would be greatly appreciated, if you can afford it).

Sundays: Silent Meditation and Prayer Gathering – led by Jack Sisk, 4:30-5:15. Each gathering centers on a 30 minute session of silence for meditation or prayer. This began as a meditation gathering, but we’ve expanded it to include people who would prefer to pray – everyone is invited! Brief meditation instruction (in Buddhist and Hindu forms) can be provided prior to the gathering by appointment, and the period of silence will be followed by an opportunity for discussion. Donations are requested to help support the Center (at least $10 would be greatly appreciated, if you can afford it).

Tuesdays: Spiritual Study Group – What is Enlightenment? facilitated by Tim Altpeter and others, 7:00-8:30. This study group addresses various current books, videos and subjects. Every week is a new experience. This very animated group rides the wave of current spiritual developments. Donations are requested to support the Center (at least $10 would be greatly appreciated, if you can afford it).

Thursday – REIKI/ENERGY CIRCLE – 7:00-11:00. All energy healing modalities are welcome in this powerful circle of healing, spiritual energy – a circle we’ve held nearly every Thursday for almost 13 years. This particular Circle is open only to practitioners. We start with a talking circle and brief meditation, and then share our healing energies. You may leave whenever you’re ready. Jack Sisk and Dr. Jim Lane take turns facilitating these Circles (Jack on the first and third Thursdays, Jim on the second and fourth). Donations are requested to support the Center (at least $10 would be greatly appreciated, if you can afford it).


9 + 1 =

DISCLAIMER: This website is the only official on-line source of information regarding Teresa Romana Powers. Teresa Romana makes absolutely no representations or endorsements of any other web-sites containing information about her. The advice you receive during a reading with a spiritual advisor or psychic counselor is at all times subject to your own interpretation and discernment. No psychic is 100% accurate. Teresa Romana is in no way, responsible legally or otherwise for your thoughts, choices, and/or actions based on the content of your reading. For medical questions, those should be sought out by a medical professional. These readings should not be substituted for any legal, medical, or any other form of "clinical" advice that you have from a specialist in the field. Teresa Romana and/or anyone else she endorses in her favorite links, blog posts, and articles are to be considered and used for entertainment purposes only.


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